The basic technology is the wireless bidirectional link between hardware (f.e. mobile phone, smartphone, desktop pc) and the cloudXreen

Today the customer is forced to buy the hardware and screen as one unit. If the display only has a certain size and the customer would like to use a larger screen, he has to buy the hardware all over again. In addition, he must install the appropriate software - ultimately he has double or multiple efforts.

the advantages of cloudXreen are

  • substantially lower purchasing cost
  • lower repair costs through the separation between hardware and screen
  • uptodate by exchanging hardware or screen
  • the  manufacturer has more freedom for the design because of this separation (previously hardware follows screen)

the cloudXreen works excellent with almost alll digital processing units.It is an extremely economical, environmentally friendly and versatile component. Existing hardware can still be used either as smartphone or desktop pc. The cloudXreen does not require a computer unit and nor its own software. Its task is to show the usual screen content in a compact space

- making it mobile! 

Thanks to the latest technology it’s representation is of the best quality. Entries can be done - as on the touch screen of the smartphone - very accurately.


because the cloudXreen is able to communicate with virtually any hardware, the computing unit can also be placed in unusual places

  • for instance in a belt buckle


therefore the hardware will always be within reach and does not have to be retrieved laboriously from a bag




stands for a sytem where the consumer use a very simple and cost effective product and the smart function works through the wireless connection


defines the electronic and the components


defines the program for the hardware


independent electronic system. It is a combination of hardWare and softWare 


defines the bidirectional wireless link between PC or Smartphone  and cloudXreen


is the final product which endcustomer can use in different variation because of the very simple electronic there a lot of more variation possible compared to solution CPU will be needed. The CPU is in the desktop or portable computing system. It receives all calculated data as a frame to the screen memory via wireless connection. After getting a feedback by a push or touch button on the cloudXreen the new frame will be calculated by the computer system. So finally we have a bidirectional communioncation between desktop or portable computing system and cloudXreen